Mar 31, 2014

Much Ado about Some Things

Oh my.. It's been a while since I've posted something. I must confess, in the throes of my new found, uncharacteristically willful decision to involve myself in the mundane and the colorful of the world which I had previously kept locked out in such an austere fashion, it seems that ever present itch to jot down my thoughts had left me for a while. And even on days when I really felt the need to say something, I was confounded by the fact that I couldn't pen down those fleeting notions and charming (rolls eyes) musings in my usually ahem... accurate and practically objective manner. (and my nose grows longer..)

Anyways, today I sit down with the intent to talk about.. well, nothing in particular or maybe a few things in passing. Thus deviating from my literary M.O.

In recent days, I have discovered what I truly believe could finally be an explanation why the world bores me so. For a long time, I had assumed it had to do with the way I perceived the world - monochromatic and bland in its futility in arousing any emotional shades from me other than odd bursts of shallow amusement and the occasional, embarrassing eruptions of frustration. I have traveled though many avenues of supposed self discovery, but in the end I always found myself standing at the crossroads of 'What Now' and 'Why me'.

This is especially visible to the naked, untrained and possibly happier eyes by the alarming (sigh..not really) fact that my alleged 'Emotional Blog' has only 8 posts so far. And I have to thank my little sister for inspiring many of them with  a couple of notable exceptions (and exceptions they truly are).

But in recent days, I have arrived at a fascinating revelation that intrigues me and presents me with vague possibilities of hope and occasional bliss(?). It was never my perception of the world that was my undoing, it was more my 'lack of perception' of it. I have over the years devised a particular brand of introversion of senses which made sure that while I did take in all the stimuli around me, the resultant thoughts were channeled inwards and not outwards - leaving me disconnected from the ocean of sensory delights and 'feel good' moments which many people, I assume, take for granted. I have decided to address this situation and then see where the new unbeaten path takes me.

This would also mean a reckoning with my 'glory in solitude' attitude which despite my best efforts has started becoming a dull, pointless blade of an inanely overused weapon  - proudly wielded by moi for the better part of a decade.

At this point I must, as all mortal men of comical pride do at some point, turn to Joss Whedon for wisdom and comfort -

"Life's a show and we all play our parts...blah, blah, blah, bla, bla, blaaa,blaah, blaaaah...sooooo..GIVE ME SOMETHING TO SING ABOUT!" - Blondie Badass

"Life isn't bliss. Life is just this - It's liiiiving.."  - Captain Peroxide