Sep 29, 2013

To Be or Try To Be...

Every grand attempt at explaining humanity, at some point deals with that most common of factors – nature vs. nurture. What’s part of us, as a result of the sinister plot by the cosmos to lead us to the abyss, and what we become in life, by the complex social interactions that mold us. I find it suspect that the passionate argument on this topic by laypeople often seem to revolve around explaining others and not themselves. While there is a fascinating aspect to bringing this whole bag of mess to the really ‘cool’ table of academics who try to analyse those pesky serial killers and other such interesting people, I think it’s up to us, the free thinking, radical and awesome guys and gals to shift the focus on to ourselves. Let’s dwell on that for a while shall we...for dramatic effect, at least.

How many of us give thought to how much of us is biological and how much is environmental? For example, when you get pissed off to no end for something, how much of that anger comes from your mind and how much is just inevitable biology at play? One could argue that even the mind falls within the rule of biology, but let’s not go that deep just yet. Let’s stick to the less confounding, more satisfying level of ‘deep’ superficial thought. You know, just like we are taught from day one.  

Think, my child, but not too much...

I digress. So, is it possible for us to even dissect ourselves when it comes to that issue which might fundamentally challenge who we think we are and force us to question our rigid psycho pathologies? Probably not. I mean, even the great rationalists refuse to question the rationality of their ‘faith’ in ration. Science becomes a religion. But maybe, just maybe, if we spent half the time analyzing us instead of  the alleged demon spawns roaming the earth somewhere, society might still have half a shot at being able to look at itself in the mirror.

Because, believe it or not, we the average john/jane citizens, the so called "normals" do more damage to the institution of civilization than the so called deviants (moral not legal). They, at least, seem to be honest or attempting to be so in their acceptance of themselves, you know - their real nature, while we seem to be kidding ourselves into one delusion after another, manufacturing thought by thought, the larger 'illusion'.

Time to play a good game of truth or dare, i guess.

The Confession of Necessity

I find myself shifting endlessly from one quaint notion to the next without regard to relation or cohesion, building fanciful castles of myriad arguments, only to tear them down over and over again. A sort of a battle of wits between an overbearing intellect and a seductive imagination. The truth is that i do enjoy this part of me. The constant internal turmoil keeps me distracted from what can only be called a rather threadbare reality.

Bare necessities and bad habits are my only requirements right now. Stories play themselves out in my head like on a large white screen in a dark smoke filled room. Colorful characters dubiously remnant of the best parts of me snake their way through twisted, distorted plots that play hopscotch across the blurry lines of fantasy and puzzling actualities.

Conversations with others seem like a distant and discarded idea. So I now choose to write in this obscure little page buried in a dark corner of the net so as to rid myself of the clutter in the attic of my being  that prevents me from seeing the light... dim though it may be.

Preamble to Wilful Neglect

The author may or may not refer to himself in the third person. The valued and time honored rules of effective communication and cultured writing are hereby thrown out the window, into a pretentious basket outside, for retrieval and use, as and when required.

Content may vary from analytical thought to delirious ranting to ambitious crap to whimsical musings; all candy coated with sugary, esoteric approaches and failed humor.

The joker is to be feared and respected.

No attention will be paid to the sensitive and mature natures of the readers, if any choose to keep reading. Fluidity of intellect reflected in the comments will be deeply appreciated and will earn the commenter a spot in the pantheon of self important online intellectuals.

Salute to those who came before and those who refused to come afterwards.

I will be heard. May I then feel qualified to choose silence...